Monday, June 8, 2020

CBD Oil Review | Can CBD Oil Help COVID-19? Check out this new...

CBD Oil Review | Can CBD Oil Help COVID-19? Check out this new study! - - In this video, you will learn about the #CBDoil that we made from hemp that we grew at our farm and a little bit about the process. You can get a full #CBDoilreview here. This new COVID19 study coming out of Canada suggests that CBD may help prevent the contraction of the Coronavirus. ——————————————————— CBD Oil For Sale at 2000 MG Full Spectrum CBD Tincture: CBD Isolate: ——————————————————— I am not sure if this is legit, but the two links of this study are at: and In the report, it states, “Cannabis sativa, especially one high in the anti-inflammatory cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD), has been proposed to modulate gene expression and inflammation and harbour anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Working under the Health Canada research license, we have developed over 800 new Cannabis sativa lines and extracts and hypothesized that high-CBD C. sativa extracts may be used to modulate ACE2 expression in COVID-19 target tissues. Screening C. Sativa extracts using artificial human 3D models of oral, airway, and intestinal tissues, we identified 13 high CBD C. sativa extracts that modulate ACE2 gene expression and ACE2 protein levels. Our initial data suggest that some C. Sativa extract down-regulate serine protease TMPRSS2, another critical protein required for SARS-CoV2 entry into host cells. While our most effective extracts require further large-scale validation, our study is crucial for the future analysis of the effects of medical cannabis on COVID-19.” #Covid19 #CBDoil #GreenMethodFarms Crazy stuff. I don’t know if it is true, but I hope CBD turns out to be a coronavirus treatment! We could help save the world form this wicked disease really quickly! Remember that you should always consult a medical doctor before taking any new supplements or medications. Please subscribe to my channel for more CBD information: For more CBD videos, check out Can CBD treat COVID-19



  1. Man, I sure hope CBD can help with the COVID-19. I wouldnt doubt it.

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