Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Why I make pure CBD oil - My goal to visit our sponsored...

Why I make pure CBD oil - My goal to visit our sponsored Compassion children - - Get your dose of pure CBD oil at Whenever you do something that is risky with a potential reward, you need to keep your eyes focused on the why. For me, the reason I farmed hemp, extracted the oil, and am selling the oil is to help people who need it for sure. But I also have dreams that I want to accomplish, and I share those dreams in this video. It may seem like a simple dream, but I sell pure CBD oil with the goal of taking my kids to visit their Compassion children. It is one thing to sponsor them financially and pray for them daily, but I want to be able to expand my kids worldview by taking them to see their child in person. I believe the result could be a lifelong change in thinking. To be able to see the poor is life changing, and I want that for my kids. So, we sell CBD tinctures. As a result, we are helping people get natural medicine from the hemp plant that helps bring their body in a state of homeostasis and reduces inflammation. And we are also helping our family achieve our goals. We are just a small family farm, but have enough CBD oil to make tens of thousands of CBD tincture bottles. If you are interested in taking CBD, please buy from us, and help us accomplish our goals and send my kids on a life changing trip. Remember that you should always consult a medical doctor before taking any new supplements or medications. Our CBD oil is full spectrum which means it comes directly from the cannabis plant and could contain trace amounts of THC. Check out the original blog post here: Please subscribe to my channel for more CBD information: For more CBD videos, check out Why I make pure CBD oil
